The dedicated team model is a type of outsourcing arrangement that has gained popularity in recent years as a cost-effective and flexible way for businesses to access specialized expertise and resources.

In this model, a company hires a team of professionals to work exclusively on a specific project or set of tasks. This can be a valuable solution for businesses that need to scale up or down quickly, or that require specialized skills that may not be available in-house.

However, like any outsourcing arrangement, the dedicated team model also has its own set of challenges and considerations.

In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of the dedicated team model, as well as best practices for setting up and managing a dedicated team.

By understanding the ins and outs of the dedicated team model, businesses can make informed decisions about whether it is the right fit for their needs.

What Is a Dedicated Team Model?

The dedicated development team is a type of outsourcing arrangement in which a company hires a team of professionals, such as developers, designers, or analysts, to work exclusively on a specific project or set of tasks. The team is typically composed of highly skilled individuals who are able to provide specialized expertise and resources for the project.

The dedicated team model is different from traditional outsourcing models, in which a company hires a third-party vendor to handle all aspects of a project or a specific task.

With the dedicated team model, the team is dedicated solely to the company’s project, and works closely with the company to ensure that the project is completed to the desired specifications.

This model allows companies to access specialized skills and resources without the need to hire full-time employees, and provides a high level of flexibility and scalability. It is often used for complex projects that require a high level of specialization, or for companies that need to ramp up or down quickly.

The global market for dedicated development teams is expected to reach $85.6 billion by 2025, according to a report by Mordor Intelligence.

How Does a Dedicated Team Work?‍

The dedicated team model typically follows a structured process, which can be broken down into three main phases: the discovery phase, the team set up phase, and the development phase.

The Discovery Phase

This is the initial stage of the project, in which the company and the dedicated team work together to understand the scope, goals, and requirements of the project. During this phase, the team conducts research and analysis to identify the resources and skills needed to complete the project successfully.

The Team Set Up Phase

Once the project scope and requirements have been established, the next step is to set up a dedicated team. This typically involves selecting team members based on their skills and experience, establishing communication and project management processes, and defining roles and responsibilities.

The Development Phase

This is the core phase of the project, in which the dedicated development team works on the development and delivery of the project. The team works closely with the company to ensure that the project is completed on time and to the desired specifications.

Throughout the process, the dedicated team and the company work together to communicate progress, address any issues or challenges that arise, and make any necessary adjustments to the project plan. This collaboration is key to the success of the dedicated team model, as it allows for a high level of flexibility and adaptability to changing needs and priorities.

Dedicated Team Advantages

There are several advantages to using a dedicated team model for your project or business needs. Some of the main benefits include:

  1. Access to specialized expertise and resources: A dedicated team is made up of professionals who are highly skilled in their field and can provide the specialized expertise and resources needed to complete your project.
  2. Flexibility and scalability: The dedicated team model allows you to scale up or down quickly as needed, making it a highly flexible solution for businesses that need to adapt to changing needs and priorities.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: Hiring a dedicated team can be more cost-effective than hiring full-time employees, as it allows you to access specialized skills and resources without the added expenses of benefits and other overhead costs.
  4. Improved communication and collaboration: Working with a dedicated team allows for closer collaboration and communication, as team members are focused solely on your project and are able to work closely with your company to ensure that it is completed to your desired specifications.
  5. Streamlined project management: A dedicated team model allows for more streamlined project management, as team members are fully dedicated to your project and are able to work closely with your project manager to ensure that the project stays on track and meets your goals.

A survey by the Global Sourcing Association found that the top benefits of dedicated teams cited by businesses were access to specialized skills and expertise (84%), cost savings (73%), and improved quality of work (72%).

Dedicated Team Disadvantages

While the dedicated team model can offer a number of benefits, it is not without its drawbacks. Some of the main disadvantages of the dedicated team model include:

  1. Dependence on the team’s performance and availability: The success of your project depends heavily on the performance and availability of your dedicated team. If team members are not able to meet your expectations or become unavailable, it can impact the timeline and quality of your project.
  2. Communication and cultural differences: Working with a dedicated team can involve challenges related to communication and cultural differences. It is important to establish clear communication channels and processes to ensure that team members are able to effectively collaborate and understand project requirements.
  3. Risk of intellectual property disputes: When working with a dedicated team, there is a risk of intellectual property disputes, particularly if there is confusion or disagreement about who owns the rights to the work produced by the team. It is important to establish clear agreements and contracts to mitigate this risk.

A survey by the National Outsourcing Association found that the top challenges cited by businesses using dedicated teams included communication and cultural differences (42%), managing time zone differences (41%), and ensuring quality control (34%).

Alternatives to Dedicated Team Model

There are several alternatives to the dedicated team model that businesses may consider when outsourcing work or accessing specialized skills and resources. Some of the main options include:


Businesses can hire individual freelancers to work on specific tasks or projects on a contract basis. This allows for a high level of flexibility and can be a cost-effective option for businesses that only need occasional or short-term support.

Project-based Outsourcing

Businesses can also hire third-party vendors to handle specific projects on a one-time basis. This allows for a high level of specialization and can be a good fit for businesses that do not have the necessary skills or resources in-house.

Staff Augmentation

In the staff augmentation model, businesses hire additional employees on a temporary or contract basis to supplement their existing team. This can be a good option for businesses that need to scale up quickly or that require specialized skills on a temporary basis.

In-house Teams

Businesses can also choose to build their own internal teams to handle specific projects or tasks. This allows for a high level of control and can be a good fit for businesses that have a long-term need for specialized skills and resources.

Overall, the best option for your business will depend on your specific needs and goals, as well as your budget and resources. It is important to carefully evaluate all available options and choose the one that is the best fit for your business.