Company Culture is currently one of the most prestigious concepts. But it has been developed in ambiguity since it is use for everything. When he talks about the culture of the business. The concept of culture is mixed or replaced by a frequency, with values, climate, etc. Referring slightly to a “cultural change” or expressions such as “strong or a weak cultures,” for example.

Therefore, it is necessary to define and limit a concept that begins to be global and not very specific. We will refer to that, in the first place, the definition of culture, for its next value. To resolve the conceptual definition of the Aguirre culture, 65-98, where the concept of culture).

Demarcation Of The Concept Of Culture

We can say that, between the 1st and 18th centuries, culture has defined only “adjusted” as the culture of something. For example, when in Rome, Cato writes in agriculture, or Cicero speaks in his work time. This philosophy is an “animal culture” or the culture of the soul. Refer to the culture of something.

 Rousseau summed up the two designs in this sentence. The plants formed by cultivation and men by education” (Emilio, 1). The “rustic” or cities not educated, wild, large, etc. So it is necessary to “cultivate them.” Even in the literature, it has been talked about the excess crop. When some refined or affected forms are called “hyperculists” or “cultsanas.”

Education is and has been the most important way of “adjective culture,” both in the academic form mentioned by L. Vivid and in other forms of civility and civility that emerged from enlightenment.

The concept of “substantial culture” did not emerge before the eighteenth century and took shape with the Franco-German dispute over the concepts of civilization and culture, such as the “national culture” of the peoples, as something background that defines communities.

The Concept Of Corporate Culture

We have chosen the term of organizational culture or, where appropriate, the culture of the company, in other less appropriate expressions, such as “corporate culture,” “culture of values,” “industrial culture,” etc.

Conceptually, we could define the organizational culture as follows:

A set of basic interactive elements generate and shared by the organization is effective in achieving its objectives, which united and identified to teach them, new members.

Culture, like other buildings (economy, psychology, etc.), is a system of knowledge that gives us a model of reality, so we have the meaning of our behavior. The hermeneutic importance of this “Model of reality” given by its ability to organize and make sense of organizational behavior.

For this reason, the “construction of culture” can remain defined as “a set of basic interactive elements” (for us: ethnohistory, beliefs, values, communication, and products), which  “generated and shared” by the organization trying “Achieve objectives” that justify their existence.

The second part of the definition refers to the “basic functions” of culture: to enter the organization, in addition to identifying and differentiating it, so that all those who belong to the organization should participate in the organization’s own culture.

Set Of Basic Interactive Elements

Schein states rightly: “If it has shown that it can remain demonstrated that a given group of people has shared a significant number of important experiences in the process of resolving external and internal problems, we can assume that such current experiences have, over time, come from these. People, a common vision of the world that surrounds them and their place in it. A sufficient number of common experiences had to remain  taken place to achieve this shared vision and shared vision must have exercised its influence for a period Sufficient time, to take for grant and separate from consciousness “(Schein, 1988: 24).

Therefore, by “interactive fiction,” a family creates. For example, “a way of being and behaving” that we can call “its own differential family culture. In the same way, in shared meaning. A company created when it comes to achieving the group’s common objectives, which are unit. Identify and effective in solving problems.