Digital Lawyer Technology continues to evolve and transform all industries and settings. In this sense, the legal sector is no exception, and, therefore, it is essential that lawyers are prepare to take on new challenges and are able to obtain maximum performance from digital tools.

The purpose of generation to make human existence less difficult. Therefore, to achieve success on this dynamic virtual market. It is vital that lawyers learn how to combine all of those trends into their professional exercise.


Legaltech is a time period that encompasses era this is at the provider of regulation, whether or not for the commercialization of felony offerings, the incorporation of generation for the expert exercise of legal professionals, or the automation of felony techniques.

Here are some are the maximum good sized technological advances currently revolutionizing the way of practising regulation:

Client-oriented packages: Some trends attention on streamlining certain felony procedures, in a few cases warding off the intermediation of a legal professional. For example, there are presently apps that permit couples to evaluate the phrases, offers, and counteroffers of divorce complaints via mobile cellphone.
Lawyer guide structures: software program designed to streamline and simplify the daily paintings of attorneys, automating approaches, opening greater green communication channels, amongst others.
Artificial Intelligence: There are already technological trends that integrate AI to investigate facts and compare contracts, and offer principles for felony decision making.
Blockchain: this era, similarly to converting the internal dynamics of groups, may even emerge as a effective device for methods that require authentication and signatures.

As Darwin expected, “It isn’t the strongest species that survives, nor the maximum smart. Is the only that first-class adapts to trade”. It is, consequently, a query of understanding a way to adapt and make the maximum of these adjustments.

For this, ICAM has created the Master in Digital Law, Innovation and Emerging Technologies, with which you can train to meet the new challenges of this digital transformation.

A Profile With A Great Outlook For The Future

The Internet and new technologies have to transform our reality, from communication to business. The rules, as a reflection of society.  Had to evolve to resolve conflicts and protect citizens’ rights in this new scenario. And to ensure this protection of the rights of citizens and businesses. Lawyers must also specialize in new technologies and digital relationships.

New technologies have a transversal impact on the entire legal system and affect personal, professional, and commercial relationships. Thus, we find specific regulations in the different legal branches of criminal law -with crimes with their own characteristics that did not exist before. Such as online identity theft or cyberbullying. At the height of labor legislation. With regulations that apply to the conditions of teleworking or the use of tools such as computers and work telephones; or electronic commerce itself and its impact on the commercial regulations of contracts.

What Does An Expert Lawyer In New Technologies Do?

Digital law is not a differentiated branch with a specific code such as criminal or civil. But it covers a wide range of subjects and is subject to cross-regulation in various legal branches. By affecting citizens, businesses, administrations, and the different relationships that are established between these parties, the use of new technologies can generate conflicts in various areas such as the right to honor, privacy, self-image, contractualization between companies, and forward sales. . consumer, or industrial and intellectual property, among others.

New technologies. In some cases, the conflicts that may arise may be the same as when the technology is not used.  For example. When purchasing online, the customer has the right to withdraw and return the product, for example. When ‘he buys it in a physical store.  But new technologies have also created new scenarios in which a specific regulatory response is required.