The scrum master helps make the Scrum easier for the entire team by ensuring that the Scrum framework follows. He/she commits to Scrum values and practices but must also remain and flexible and open to opportunities for the team to improve their workflow.

As the name shows, the scrum grasp is the scrum master, who makes sure that the scrum framework follows. Scrum has a sincerely described set of roles and rituals that must observe, and the Scrum Master works with each member of the Scrum group to manual and teach the team thru to the Scrum framework.

Atlassian conducted a poll on Twitter in which 92% of people said they were doing something custom, not a “literal” scrum. He made us wonder, what does this means for scrum masters. Whose role is to train and help their team understand Scrum? Where do they fit in in the unpredictable and ever-changing agile world?

These are the questions we want to answer as we delved into the roles and responsibilities of the unsung heroes of agility, the scrum masters.

What Is A Scrum Master?

Scrum Masters are the enablers of Scrum, the light-weight, agile framework that specializes in constant-time iterations called sprints. As facilitators, scrum masters act as coaches for the relaxation of the group. The “servant leaders,” as the Scrum Guide says. Good Scrum Masters commit to the Scrum foundation and values but remain flexible and open to opportunities for the team to improve their workflow.

Scrum Master Responsibilities

In the ideal agile world, a team would manage its own processes and tools. However, we have found that many teams are moving towards agility often rely on the scrum master as the owner of their process. It takes time for responsibility and authority to spread within a team.

In this transformative context. The role can be as light as planning Scrum ceremonies or as involved as any other member of the Scrum team. Although the Scrum Guide lists how the Scrum Master fulfills other Scrum roles. It is not an exhaustive list of responsibilities. In fact, we find that scrum masters perform all or part of the following elements. Which are not all defined by Scrum:

  1. Standups – Facilitate daily standups (or daily Scrum) as needed.
  2. Iteration / Sprint Planning Meetings – Protect the team from overcommitments and scope deviations. Help to estimate and create subtasks.
  3. Sprint Reviews – Join the meeting and collect feedback.
  4. Looking Back – Look at areas for improvement and actions that need to be taken for future sprints.
  5. Board of Directors Administration – Work as Director of the Board of Directors. Make sure the maps are up-to-date and that the Scrum tool, Jira software, or other is working properly.
  6. 1 of 1 – Meet individually with team members and stakeholders as needed. Resolve team disagreements about processes and work styles. While many Scrum practitioners are anti-1on1 because they believe that these communications should take place during meetings. Also, Some teams especially new teams, prefer to have this regular face-to-face and interaction with specific team members.
  7. Internal advice: Scrum masters should be prepared to consult with team members and internal stakeholders on the best way to work with the Scrum team.
  8. Reports: Regular analysis of evolution charts and other portfolio planning tools to understand what is being built and at what pace.